
在留資格「経営管理」申請までの流れ Flow of application for status of residence "Business Manager"









 When a foreigner starts a business in Japan, it is necessary to get a status of residence for "business manager".


There are a few hurdles to getting this business management visa compared to Japanese business owner.


It is also necessary for  the post of director or other executive at a Japanese company.


In this blog, I will explain the flow when a foreigner starting a business in Japan applies for a business manager visa.






From company establishment to business manage visa application




 ①本店所在地・目的を決定する -Determine the location and purpose of the head office






Business establishment with actual conditions is necessary.


Such as virtual office, like borrowing an address or phone number, the operator handles the phone, and the mail is transfered,  is not recognized as a business office.




 ②定款認証を行う -Certification of Articles of Incorporation




 When establishing a corporation, the articles of incorporation must be certified at the public office.




 ③資本金の払込み -Payment of capital










Gereral principle, a capital of 5 million yen or more is required, but it is not necessary if there are two or more full-time employees residing in Japan other than the applicant.


This full-time employee excludes full-time employees who are resident with the status of residence in Appendix 1 of the Immigration Control Low.


Therefore, Japanese , special permanent residents, permanent residents, spouses of long term residents, etc. are eligible.




 ④法人設立登記 -Registration of establishment of corporation




Apply to the Legal Affairs Bureau with the registration application form.




 ⑤税務署などに届出  -Notification to tax office etc.




 After the registration of the company is completed, submitting notification such as the notification of establishment of corporation with the registration certificate and the articles of incorporation as attached to the tax office.




 ⑥必要な営業許可を取得する -Get the required business license




If you are doing import / export related business, get an antique dealer license, and if you are doing restaurant management, get a restaurant business license.




 ⑦経営管理ビザ申請 -Business managemer visa application












If you are a foreigner who is already living in Japan and want to start a business, be sure to  change to business manager visa.


It is not possible to manage the business with activities outside the status of a working visa.


If you start a business just because os your working visa's term remaining, you will not be allowed to extend your visa or  change to business manager visa.






The status of residence that allows you to manage without obtaining a business management visa are


・永住者 permanent resident visa


・日本人の配偶者等 Japanese spouse visa


・定住者 Long term residence visa


・高度専門職(1号ハ)Highly skilled foreign professionals visa (manager)

